Secure data in transit and at rest in AWS

Secure Data in Transit:
  1. Use HTTPS/SSL protocols to communicate between your application and AWS services.

  2. Use AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to encrypt your data when it is in transit.

  3. Use AWS VPN or AWS Direct Connect to create a private network connection between your datacenter and AWS.

Secure Data at Rest:
  1. Use AWS KMS to encrypt your data at rest.

  2. Use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to manage user access to data stored in AWS.

  3. Use Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to create a secure and isolated environment for your data.

  4. Use AWS CloudTrail to monitor and log all API calls made to your AWS resources.

  5. Use Amazon S3 Object Lock to control access to data stored in Amazon S3 buckets.

Last updated