What steps do you take to secure a network?
Establish a security policy and enforce it: Establish a security policy that outlines acceptable usage of the network, including rules and guidelines for accessing, managing, and maintaining the network.
Implement a firewall: A firewall is a software or hardware system that filters the incoming and outgoing traffic to the network, keeping malicious traffic out.
Install antivirus and malware protection: Antivirus software helps detect and remove malicious programs from the network.
Use strong passwords: Use strong, unique passwords for all accounts on the network and require regular password changes.
Enable two-factor authentication: Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring two forms of authentication—such as a password plus a text message with a code—before a person can access a network.
Limit user access: Restrict access to sensitive information or systems to only those individuals who absolutely need it.
Perform regular security audits: Regularly audit the network to ensure that security measures are up to date, and that there are no vulnerabilities or weak spots.
Keep software and firmware up to date: Security patches and software updates are critical for keeping the network secure. Ensure that all software
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