Data Exfiltration

What measures do you take to prevent data exfiltration?

Monitor Network Traffic

Regularly monitor and analyze network traffic for malicious or suspicious activity.

Use Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Software

Deploy DLP software that provides visibility into sensitive data across the network and can detect attempted data exfiltration.

Implement Encryption

Encrypt data that needs to be transferred over the network or stored on removable media to prevent it from being accessed by unauthorized personnel.

Limit Access to Sensitive Data

Limit access to sensitive data to only those personnel who need it in order to perform their duties.

Develop an Incident Response Plan

Develop an incident response plan to quickly and effectively respond to any data exfiltration attempts.

Monitor User Activity

Monitor user activity to detect any suspicious or unauthorized access to sensitive data.

Use Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems

Deploy firewalls and intrusion detection systems to detect and block malicious traffic and data exfiltration attempts.

Last updated